2016 Winter Capstone Expedition Recap (Part 1)

RIDGE Mountain Academy's Capstone Expeditions are culminating experiences at the end of every semester. Designed as an opportunity for student athletes to put their semester's training  to the test, capstone expeditions are custom built semester-by-semester. Last fall the crew traveled to Moab, UT for a week of climbing and mountain biking in the desert.

Yoga for Mountain Athletes with RIDGE Coach Cat Jenks

Yoga plays a central roll in RIDGE's mountain athlete training programs. We utilize weekly yoga sessions with our in-house yoga coach Cat Jenks to help prevent injury by developing flexibility, increasing body awareness, and promoting restoration and recovery. During the fall and winter semesters, as we ramp up our mountain sports training, our yoga sessions focus on restoration and  recovery.

Here's a 10 minute 'Yoga for Mountain Athletes' session that you can try during your own training periods, on a rest day, or even in an airport while you're traveling.